HW #4

Assigned on Monday, October 23
Due on Monday, November 6 at 11:59 PM
 View materials: MUSA-550-Fall-2023/assignment-4
 Submission link: GitHub classroom

Due Dates

Section 402: November 6 by end of day


Part 1: Visualizing crash data in Philadelphia**

In this section, you will use osmnx to analyze the crash incidence in Center City.

Part 2: Scraping Craigslist

In this section, you will use Selenium and BeautifulSoup to scrape data for hundreds of apartments from Philadelphia’s Craigslist portal.


We’ll be using GitHub for assignment submission again. You can set up your own private repository on GitHub for this assignment using the link below.

The invitation link will depend upon your section:

Section 402: https://classroom.github.com/a/_ZVQ18JC

The assignment should be added to this GitHub repository before the deadline. You can add files to the repository through the web (github.com) interface or using the command line locally on your machine.