from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import requests
import hvplot.pandas
42) np.random.seed(
Lecture 13A: Predictive modeling with scikit-learn, continued
= 999 pd.options.display.max_columns
- Nov 29, 2023
- Section 401
Predictive modeling, continued
Focus: much more hands-on experience with featuring engineering and adding spatial based features
- Part 1: Housing price modeling
- Part 2: Predicting bikeshare demand in Philadelphia
- An introduction to supervised learning and regression with scikit learn
- Key concepts:
- Linear regression
- Ridge regression with regularization
- Test/train split and k-fold cross validation
- Feature engineering
- Scaling input features
- Adding polynomial features
- One-hot encoding + categorical variables
- Decision trees and random forests
Today: modeling housing prices in Philadelphia
First, let’s setup all of the imports we’ll need from scikit learn:
# Models
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
# Model selection
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score, GridSearchCV
# Pipelines
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
# Preprocessing
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, PolynomialFeatures
Review: Predicting housing prices in Philadelphia
Load data from the Office of Property Assessment
Let’s download data for single-family properties in Philadelphia that had their last sale during 2022.
Sources: - OpenDataPhilly - Metadata
Download the raw sales data:
# the CARTO API url
= ""
# Only pull 2022 sales for single family residential properties
= "sale_date >= '2022-01-01' and sale_date <= '2022-12-31'"
where = where + " and category_code_description IN ('SINGLE FAMILY', 'Single Family')"
# Create the query
= f"SELECT * FROM opa_properties_public WHERE {where}"
# Make the request
= {"q": query, "format": "geojson"}
params = requests.get(carto_url, params=params) response
Convert to a GeoDataFrame:
# Make the GeoDataFrame
= gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(response.json(), crs="EPSG:4326")
# Optional: put it a reproducible order for test/training splits later
= salesRaw.sort_values("parcel_number") salesRaw
geometry | cartodb_id | assessment_date | basements | beginning_point | book_and_page | building_code | building_code_description | category_code | category_code_description | census_tract | central_air | cross_reference | date_exterior_condition | depth | exempt_building | exempt_land | exterior_condition | fireplaces | frontage | fuel | garage_spaces | garage_type | general_construction | geographic_ward | homestead_exemption | house_extension | house_number | interior_condition | location | mailing_address_1 | mailing_address_2 | mailing_care_of | mailing_city_state | mailing_street | mailing_zip | market_value | market_value_date | number_of_bathrooms | number_of_bedrooms | number_of_rooms | number_stories | off_street_open | other_building | owner_1 | owner_2 | parcel_number | parcel_shape | quality_grade | recording_date | registry_number | sale_date | sale_price | separate_utilities | sewer | site_type | state_code | street_code | street_designation | street_direction | street_name | suffix | taxable_building | taxable_land | topography | total_area | total_livable_area | type_heater | unfinished | unit | utility | view_type | year_built | year_built_estimate | zip_code | zoning | pin | building_code_new | building_code_description_new | objectid | |
966 | POINT (-75.14860 39.93145) | 16819 | 2022-05-24T00:00:00Z | 0 | 36'6" E OF AMERICAN | 54131081 | R30 | ROW B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY | 1 | SINGLE FAMILY | 27 | Y | None | None | 90.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 4 | 0.0 | 18.0 | None | 1.0 | None | A | 1 | 0 | None | 224 | 4 | 224 WHARTON ST | SIMPLIFILE LC E-RECORDING | None | None | PHILADELPHIA PA | 224 WHARTON ST | 19147-5336 | 327600 | None | 2.0 | 3.0 | NaN | 3.0 | 711.0 | None | DEVER CATHERINE JOAN | None | 011001670 | E | C | 2022-12-14T00:00:00Z | 9S17 307 | 2022-12-05T00:00:00Z | 450000 | None | None | None | PA | 82740 | ST | None | WHARTON | None | 262080.0 | 65520.0 | F | 1625.0 | 1785.0 | A | None | None | None | I | 1960 | Y | 19147 | RSA5 | 1001563093 | 26 | ROW RIVER ROW | 397028047 |
12147 | POINT (-75.14817 39.93101) | 31147 | 2022-05-24T00:00:00Z | A | 50' W SIDE OF 2ND ST | 54063610 | O50 | ROW 3 STY MASONRY | 1 | SINGLE FAMILY | 27 | Y | None | None | 36.0 | 80000.0 | 0.0 | 3 | 0.0 | 34.0 | A | 0.0 | None | A | 1 | 80000 | None | 205 | 3 | 205 EARP ST | SIMPLIFILE LC E-RECORDING | None | None | PHILADELPHIA PA | 205 EARP ST | 19147-6035 | 434400 | None | 3.0 | 4.0 | NaN | 3.0 | 467.0 | None | MORAN KELLY | TRENTALANGE SILVIO | 011004720 | E | C+ | 2022-06-30T00:00:00Z | 009S170369 | 2022-06-24T00:00:00Z | 670000 | A | None | None | PA | 30420 | ST | None | EARP | None | 267520.0 | 86880.0 | F | 1224.0 | 2244.0 | A | None | None | None | I | 2009 | None | 19147 | RSA5 | 1001190209 | 22 | ROW TYPICAL | 397041168 |
7323 | POINT (-75.14781 39.93010) | 25174 | 2022-05-24T00:00:00Z | A | 33.333 S OF REED | 54085418 | P51 | ROW W/GAR 3 STY MAS+OTHER | 1 | SINGLE FAMILY | 27 | Y | None | None | 84.0 | 574320.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 0.0 | 17.0 | A | 1.0 | None | C | 1 | 0 | None | 136 | 1 | 136 REED ST | SIMPLIFILE LC E-RECORDING | None | None | PHILADELPHIA PA | 136 REED ST | 19147-6117 | 717900 | None | 0.0 | 3.0 | NaN | 2.0 | 296.0 | None | DOLIN CARLY P | DOLIN RYAN N | 011011410 | E | C+ | 2022-08-16T00:00:00Z | 010S110342 | 2022-08-09T00:00:00Z | 790000 | None | Y | None | PA | 67780 | ST | None | REED | None | 0.0 | 143580.0 | F | 1400.0 | 2514.0 | A | None | None | None | I | 2014 | None | 19147 | ICMX | 1001442221 | 25 | ROW MODERN | 397036560 |
2198 | POINT (-75.14887 39.93026) | 18788 | 2022-05-24T00:00:00Z | D | 68 FT W PHILIP ST | 54127951 | O50 | ROW 3 STY MASONRY | 1 | SINGLE FAMILY | 27 | Y | None | None | 60.0 | 180200.0 | 0.0 | 4 | 0.0 | 14.0 | None | 0.0 | None | A | 1 | 0 | None | 220 | 4 | 220 REED ST | OLKOWSKI KEITH | None | None | PHILADELPHIA PA | 243 GREENWICH STREET | 19147 | 293000 | None | 2.0 | 3.0 | NaN | 3.0 | 193.0 | None | OLKOWSKI KEITH | RACHUBINSKI MICHAEL | 011012200 | E | C | 2022-12-06T00:00:00Z | 010S110109 | 2022-12-02T00:00:00Z | 195000 | None | None | None | PA | 67780 | ST | None | REED | None | 54200.0 | 58600.0 | F | 840.0 | 1358.0 | H | None | None | None | I | 1920 | Y | 19147 | RSA5 | 1001442236 | 22 | ROW TYPICAL | 397028550 |
16292 | POINT (-75.14881 39.93012) | 31111 | 2022-05-24T00:00:00Z | D | 42 FT W PHILIP | 54063384 | O30 | ROW 2 STY MASONRY | 1 | SINGLE FAMILY | 27 | Y | None | None | 39.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3 | 0.0 | 14.0 | None | 0.0 | None | A | 1 | 0 | None | 207 | 3 | 207 GERRITT ST | SIMPLIFILE LC E-RECORDING | None | None | PHILADELPHIA PA | 207 GERRITT ST | 19147-6012 | 255500 | None | 2.0 | 2.0 | NaN | 2.0 | 141.0 | None | NETTER DANIEL ANTHONY | NETTER SARAH ANNE | 011014000 | E | C | 2022-06-29T00:00:00Z | 010S110172 | 2022-06-27T00:00:00Z | 331000 | None | None | None | PA | 36680 | ST | None | GERRITT | None | 204400.0 | 51100.0 | F | 546.0 | 868.0 | H | None | None | None | I | 1920 | Y | 19147 | RSA5 | 1001238775 | 22 | ROW TYPICAL | 397041384 |
Get the feature sales data we will work with:
# The feature columns we want to use
= [
cols "sale_price",
# Trim to these columns and remove NaNs
= salesRaw[cols + ["geometry"]].dropna()
# Trim zip code to only the first five digits
"zip_code"] = sales["zip_code"].astype(str).str.slice(0, 5) sales[
# Trim very low and very high sales
= (sales['sale_price'] > 3000) & (sales['sale_price'] < 1e6)
valid = sales.loc[valid] sales
Let’s focus on numerical features only first
Split the data into a training and test set:
# Split the data 70/30
= train_test_split(sales, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) train_set, test_set
Get the predictive variable: log of sale price:
# the target labels: log of sale price
= np.log(train_set["sale_price"])
y_train = np.log(test_set["sale_price"]) y_test
Get the features (numerical only first):
# The features
= [
feature_cols "total_livable_area",
]= train_set[feature_cols].values
X_train = test_set[feature_cols].values X_test
Run a linear regression model as a baseline:
# Make a linear model pipeline
= make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LinearRegression())
# Fit on the training data, y_train)
# What's the test score?
linear_pipeline.score(X_test, y_test)
Run cross-validation on a random forest model:
# Make a random forest pipeline
= make_pipeline(
forest_pipeline =100, random_state=42)
StandardScaler(), RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators
# Run the 10-fold cross validation
= cross_val_score(
# Report
print("R^2 scores = ", scores)
print("Scores mean = ", scores.mean())
print("Score std dev = ", scores.std())
R^2 scores = [0.32549221 0.36405574 0.31498968 0.29773715 0.32731989 0.26301082
0.3237037 0.32231956 0.28549553 0.35235816]
Scores mean = 0.3176482454802408
Score std dev = 0.028274645959991906
# Fit on the training data, y_train)
# What's the test score?
forest_pipeline.score(X_test, y_test)
Which variables were most important?
# Extract the regressor from the pipeline
= forest_pipeline["randomforestregressor"] forest_model
# Create the data frame of importances
= pd.DataFrame(
importance "Feature": feature_cols, "Importance": forest_model.feature_importances_}
="Feature", y="Importance") importance.hvplot.barh(x
How to handle categorical data?
We can use a technique called one-hot encoding
Steps: - Create a new column for each category - Represent each category as a vector of 1s and 0s
One-hot encoding in scikit learn
- The
object is a preprocessor that will perform the vectorization step - The
object will help us apply different transformers to numerical and categorical columns
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
Let’s try out the example data of colors:
# Example data of colors
= np.array(["red", "green", "blue", "red"])
colors = colors[:, np.newaxis] colors
(4, 1)
['red']], dtype='<U5')
# Initialize the OHE transformer
= OneHotEncoder()
# Fit the transformer and then transform the colors
array([[0., 0., 1.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[1., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 1.]])
# The corresponding category for each column
[array(['blue', 'green', 'red'], dtype='<U5')]
Let’s apply separate transformers for our numerical and categorical columns:
# Numerical columns
= [
num_cols "total_livable_area",
# Categorical columns
= ["exterior_condition", "zip_code"] cat_cols
# Set up the column transformer with two transformers
# ----> Scale the numerical columns
# ----> One-hot encode the categorical columns
= ColumnTransformer(
transformer =[
transformers"num", StandardScaler(), num_cols),
("cat", OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown="ignore"), cat_cols),
] )
Note: the handle_unknown='ignore'
parameter ensures that if categories show up in our training set, but not our test set, no error will be raised.
Initialize the pipeline object, using the column transformer and the random forest regressor
# Initialize the pipeline
# NOTE: only use 10 estimators here so it will run in a reasonable time
= make_pipeline(
pipe =10,
transformer, RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=42)
random_state )
Now, let’s fit the model.
- You must pass in the full training set and test set DataFrames:
- No need to create the
numpy arrays. - We told scikit learn which column strings to extract in the ColumnTransformer, so it needs the DataFrame with named columns.
# Fit the training set
;, y_train)
# What's the test score?
pipe.score(test_set, y_test)
Substantial improvement on test set when including ZIP codes
R-squared of ~0.30 improved to R-squared of ~0.53!
Takeaway: neighborhood based effects play a crucial role in determining housing prices.
Side Note: to fully validate the model we should run k-fold cross validation and optimize hyperparameters of the model as well…
But how crucial? Let’s plot the importances
But first, we need to know the column names! The one-hot encoder created a column for each category type…
# The column transformer...
ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('num', StandardScaler(), ['total_livable_area', 'total_area', 'garage_spaces', 'fireplaces', 'number_of_bathrooms', 'number_of_bedrooms', 'number_stories']), ('cat', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'), ['exterior_condition', 'zip_code'])])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('num', StandardScaler(), ['total_livable_area', 'total_area', 'garage_spaces', 'fireplaces', 'number_of_bathrooms', 'number_of_bedrooms', 'number_stories']), ('cat', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'), ['exterior_condition', 'zip_code'])])
['total_livable_area', 'total_area', 'garage_spaces', 'fireplaces', 'number_of_bathrooms', 'number_of_bedrooms', 'number_stories']
['exterior_condition', 'zip_code']
# The steps in the column transformer
{'num': StandardScaler(),
'cat': OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'),
'remainder': 'drop'}
# The one-hot step
= transformer.named_transformers_['cat']
OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore')In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
# One column for each category type!
= ohe.get_feature_names_out()
array(['exterior_condition_0', 'exterior_condition_1',
'exterior_condition_2', 'exterior_condition_3',
'exterior_condition_4', 'exterior_condition_5',
'exterior_condition_6', 'exterior_condition_7', 'zip_code_19102',
'zip_code_19103', 'zip_code_19104', 'zip_code_19106',
'zip_code_19107', 'zip_code_19111', 'zip_code_19114',
'zip_code_19115', 'zip_code_19116', 'zip_code_19118',
'zip_code_19119', 'zip_code_19120', 'zip_code_19121',
'zip_code_19122', 'zip_code_19123', 'zip_code_19124',
'zip_code_19125', 'zip_code_19126', 'zip_code_19127',
'zip_code_19128', 'zip_code_19129', 'zip_code_19130',
'zip_code_19131', 'zip_code_19132', 'zip_code_19133',
'zip_code_19134', 'zip_code_19135', 'zip_code_19136',
'zip_code_19137', 'zip_code_19138', 'zip_code_19139',
'zip_code_19140', 'zip_code_19141', 'zip_code_19142',
'zip_code_19143', 'zip_code_19144', 'zip_code_19145',
'zip_code_19146', 'zip_code_19147', 'zip_code_19148',
'zip_code_19149', 'zip_code_19150', 'zip_code_19151',
'zip_code_19152', 'zip_code_19153', 'zip_code_19154'], dtype=object)
# Full list of columns is numerical + one-hot
= num_cols + list(ohe_cols)
= pipe["randomforestregressor"]
# Create the dataframe with importances
= pd.DataFrame(
importance "Feature": features, "Importance": random_forest.feature_importances_}
{ )
=20) importance.head(n
Feature | Importance | |
0 | total_livable_area | 0.177882 |
1 | total_area | 0.231340 |
2 | garage_spaces | 0.010044 |
3 | fireplaces | 0.001861 |
4 | number_of_bathrooms | 0.161817 |
5 | number_of_bedrooms | 0.052586 |
6 | number_stories | 0.022008 |
7 | exterior_condition_0 | 0.000013 |
8 | exterior_condition_1 | 0.001369 |
9 | exterior_condition_2 | 0.004490 |
10 | exterior_condition_3 | 0.009052 |
11 | exterior_condition_4 | 0.011657 |
12 | exterior_condition_5 | 0.014794 |
13 | exterior_condition_6 | 0.005667 |
14 | exterior_condition_7 | 0.013110 |
15 | zip_code_19102 | 0.000312 |
16 | zip_code_19103 | 0.002195 |
17 | zip_code_19104 | 0.005277 |
18 | zip_code_19106 | 0.001260 |
19 | zip_code_19107 | 0.000755 |
# Sort by importance and get the top 30
= importance.sort_values("Importance", ascending=False).iloc[:30]
# Plot
="Feature", y="Importance", height=700, flip_yaxis=True) importance.hvplot.barh(x
- Number of bathrooms and area-based features still important
- ZIP codes in North Philadelphia also important: 19140, 19132, 19134
These North Philadelphia ZIP codes have some of the lowest valued homes in the city, which are inherently the most difficult to model accurately. It makes sense when included ZIP code information that these areas would be the most to improve.
Why is feature engineering so important?
Garbage in, garbage out
- What we’re trying to do is build the best possible model for a particular thing we care about, e.g., housing price, bikeshare trips, etc
- Our machine learning models try to translate from some set of input features to the thing we care about
- You should think of the input features as having all of the same information as the predicted quantity — they are just a different representation
Takeway: If your input features are poorly designed (for example, completely unrelated to thing you want to predict), then no matter how good your machine learning model is or how well you “train” it, then the model will never be able to do the translation from features to predicted value.
Adding spatial features to the housing price model
- Adding in ZIP code information captures a lot of the neighborhood-based amenity/disamenity properties
- Can we explicitly add new features that also try to capture some of those features?
Yes, let’s add distance-based features
Spatial amenity/disamenity features
The strategy
- Get the data for a certain type of amenity, e.g., restaurants, bars, or disamenity, e.g., crimes
- Data sources: 311 requests, crime incidents, Open Street Map
- Use scikit learn’s nearest neighbor algorithm to calculate the distance from each sale to its nearest neighbor in the amenity/disamenity datasets
Examples of new possible features…
Distance from each sale to:
- Universities
- Parks
- City Hall
- Subway Stops
- New Construction Permits
- Aggravated Assaults
- Graffiti 311 Calls
- Abandoned Vehicle 311 Calls
Example #1: 311 Graffiti Calls
Step 1: Download the data from the CARTO database
We’ll only pull data from 2022.
Let’s make a utility function to download data for a specific table and where statement from CARTO:
def get_carto_data(table_name, where=None, limit=None):
Download data from CARTO given a specific table name and
optionally a where statement or limit.
# the CARTO API url
= ""
# Create the query
= f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}"
# Add a where
if where is not None:
= query + f" WHERE {where}"
# Add a limit
if limit is not None:
= query + f" LIMIT {limit}"
# Make the request
= {"q": query, "format": "geojson"}
params = requests.get(carto_url, params=params)
# Make the GeoDataFrame
return gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(response.json(), crs="EPSG:4326")
Let’s take a peak at the first row:
# the 311 table
= "public_cases_fc"
=1) get_carto_data(table_name, limit
geometry | cartodb_id | objectid | service_request_id | subject | status | status_notes | service_name | service_code | agency_responsible | service_notice | requested_datetime | updated_datetime | expected_datetime | closed_datetime | address | zipcode | media_url | lat | lon | |
0 | None | 1 | 23171926 | 14841318 | How do I request a free smoke detector? | Closed | Question Answered | Information Request | SR-IR01 | Philly311 Contact Center | None | 2022-04-04T16:10:20Z | 2022-04-04T16:10:21Z | None | 2022-04-04T16:10:20Z | None | None | None | None | None |
Let’s build our where clause based on the ‘requested_datetime’
# Select only those for grafitti and in 2022
= "requested_datetime >= '01-01-2022' and requested_datetime < '01-01-2023'"
where = where + " and service_name = 'Graffiti Removal'"
# Pull the subset we want
= get_carto_data(table_name, where=where) graffiti
# Remove rows with empty or NaN geometries
= (~graffiti.geometry.is_empty) & (graffiti.geometry.notna())
not_missing = graffiti.loc[not_missing] graffiti
geometry | cartodb_id | objectid | service_request_id | subject | status | status_notes | service_name | service_code | agency_responsible | service_notice | requested_datetime | updated_datetime | expected_datetime | closed_datetime | address | zipcode | media_url | lat | lon | |
0 | POINT (-75.21926 39.95372) | 248 | 23205508 | 14883241 | Graffiti Removal | Closed | Issue Resolved | Graffiti Removal | SR-CL01 | Community Life Improvement Program | 7 Business Days | 2022-04-22T17:30:03Z | 2022-05-04T10:08:37Z | 2022-05-03T20:00:00Z | 2022-05-04T10:08:35Z | 4832 SPRUCE ST | 19139 | | 39.953722 | -75.219259 |
1 | POINT (-75.08690 40.01072) | 257 | 23123130 | 14779871 | Graffiti Removal | Closed | Issue Resolved | Graffiti Removal | SR-CL01 | Community Life Improvement Program | 7 Business Days | 2022-03-07T13:46:57Z | 2023-02-15T22:01:20Z | 2022-03-16T20:00:00Z | 2022-03-11T10:48:00Z | 4301-29 PAUL ST | 19124 | None | 40.010720 | -75.086897 |
2 | POINT (-75.16784 39.93091) | 258 | 23205514 | 14882961 | Graffiti Removal | Closed | Other | Graffiti Removal | SR-CL01 | Community Life Improvement Program | 7 Business Days | 2022-04-22T15:44:26Z | 2022-05-03T08:00:11Z | 2022-05-03T20:00:00Z | 2022-04-26T13:53:30Z | 1527 S BROAD ST | 19147 | | 39.930912 | -75.167842 |
3 | POINT (-75.14260 39.97323) | 627 | 23205579 | 14882570 | Graffiti Removal | Closed | Issue Resolved | Graffiti Removal | SR-CL01 | Community Life Improvement Program | 7 Business Days | 2022-04-22T14:14:02Z | 2022-04-29T11:18:39Z | 2022-05-03T20:00:00Z | 2022-04-29T11:18:38Z | 1432 N 4TH ST | 19122 | | 39.973229 | -75.142603 |
4 | POINT (-75.16772 40.00350) | 782 | 23123114 | 14780160 | Graffiti Removal | Closed | Issue Resolved | Graffiti Removal | SR-CL01 | Community Life Improvement Program | 7 Business Days | 2022-03-07T14:43:46Z | 2023-02-15T22:00:12Z | 2022-03-16T20:00:00Z | 2022-03-10T09:46:48Z | 2306 W ALLEGHENY AVE | 19132 | | 40.003501 | -75.167723 |
Step 2: Get the x/y coordinates of both datasets
We will need to:
- We’ll want distances in meters (rather than degrees), so we’ll convert the CRS to EPSG=3857
- Extract out the x/y coordinates of the geometry column of each dataset (sales and grafitti calls)
# Do the CRS conversion
= sales.to_crs(epsg=3857)
sales_3857 = graffiti.to_crs(epsg=3857) graffiti_3857
def get_xy_from_geometry(df):
Return a numpy array with two columns, where the
first holds the `x` geometry coordinate and the second
column holds the `y` geometry coordinate
= df.geometry.x
x = df.geometry.y
return np.column_stack((x, y)) # stack as columns
# Extract x/y for sales
= get_xy_from_geometry(sales_3857)
# Extract x/y for grafitti calls
= get_xy_from_geometry(graffiti_3857) graffitiXY
(17675, 2)
(16479, 2)
Step 3: Calculate the nearest neighbor distances
For this, we will use the k-nearest neighbors algorithm from scikit learn.
For each sale: - Find the k-nearest neighbors in the second dataset (graffiti calls, crimes, etc) - Calculate the average distance from the sale to those k-neighbors
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
# STEP 1: Initialize the algorithm
= 5
k = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k)
# STEP 2: Fit the algorithm on the "neighbors" dataset
# STEP 3: Get distances for sale to neighbors
= nbrs.kneighbors(salesXY) grafDists, grafIndices
Note: I am using k=5
here without any real justification. In practice, you would want to try a few different k values to try to identify the best value to use.
What did we just calculate?
: For each sale, the distances to the 5 nearest graffiti calls- This should have 5 columns and the same length as the sales dataset
: For each sale, the index of each of the 5 neighbors in the original dataset- This allows you to access the original 311 graffiti data
print("length of sales = ", len(salesXY))
print("shape of grafDists = ", grafDists.shape)
print("shape of grafIndices = ", grafIndices.shape)
length of sales = 17675
shape of grafDists = (17675, 5)
shape of grafIndices = (17675, 5)
# The distances from the first sale to the 5 nearest neighbors
0] grafDists[
array([ 74.7981226 , 109.96264648, 132.79982755, 134.17262561,
0] grafIndices[
array([11440, 1700, 4744, 518, 12233])
Can we reproduce these distances?
0] salesXY[
array([-8365504.33110536, 4855986.06521187])
# The coordinates for the first sale
= salesXY[0]
x0, y0 x0, y0
(-8365504.331105363, 4855986.065211866)
# The indices for the 5 nearest graffiti calls
0] grafIndices[
array([11440, 1700, 4744, 518, 12233])
# the graffiti neighbors
= graffitiXY[grafIndices[0]]
sale0_neighbors sale0_neighbors
array([[-8365555.31543214, 4856040.79507179],
[-8365425.62822537, 4856062.86130748],
[-8365594.27725392, 4856083.76620754],
[-8365636.57866042, 4856008.71201389],
[-8365406.14731448, 4856130.36687223]])
# Access the first and second column for x/y values
= sale0_neighbors[:,0]
neighbors_x = sale0_neighbors[:,1]
# The x/y differences between neighbors and first sale coordinates
= (neighbors_x - x0)
dx = (neighbors_y - y0)
# The Euclidean dist
= (dx**2 + dy**2) ** 0.5 manual_dists
array([ 74.7981226 , 109.96264648, 132.79982755, 134.17262561,
0] grafDists[
array([ 74.7981226 , 109.96264648, 132.79982755, 134.17262561,
Use the log of the average distance as the new feature
We’ll average over the column axis: axis=1
=1) grafDists.mean(axis
array([125.25396515, 164.23894118, 156.49823723, ..., 614.26510679,
614.26510679, 614.26510679])
# Average distance to neighbors
= grafDists.mean(axis=1)
# Set zero distances to be small, but nonzero
==0] = 1e-5
# Calculate log of distances
'logDistGraffiti'] = np.log10(avgGrafDist) sales[
sale_price | total_livable_area | total_area | garage_spaces | fireplaces | number_of_bathrooms | number_of_bedrooms | number_stories | exterior_condition | zip_code | geometry | logDistGraffiti | |
966 | 450000 | 1785.0 | 1625.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 4 | 19147 | POINT (-75.14860 39.93145) | 2.097791 |
12147 | 670000 | 2244.0 | 1224.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 3 | 19147 | POINT (-75.14817 39.93101) | 2.215476 |
7323 | 790000 | 2514.0 | 1400.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3.0 | 2.0 | 1 | 19147 | POINT (-75.14781 39.93010) | 2.194509 |
2198 | 195000 | 1358.0 | 840.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 4 | 19147 | POINT (-75.14887 39.93026) | 2.212881 |
16292 | 331000 | 868.0 | 546.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 3 | 19147 | POINT (-75.14881 39.93012) | 2.206706 |
Let’s plot a hex map of the new feature!
# Load the City Limits from OpenDataPhilly's page
= ""
url = gpd.read_file(url).to_crs(epsg=3857) city_limits
= plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor=plt.get_cmap("viridis")(0))
fig, ax
# Plot the log of the Graffiti distance
= salesXY[:, 0]
x = salesXY[:, 1]
y =sales["logDistGraffiti"].values, gridsize=60)
ax.hexbin(x, y, C
# Plot the city limits
=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="white", linewidth=4)
ax.set_axis_off()"equal") ax.set_aspect(
Example #2: Subway stops
Use the osmnx
package to get subway stops in Philly — we can use the ox.geometries_from_polygon()
- To select subway stations, we can use
: see the OSM Wikipedia - See Lecture 5A for a reminder on osmnx!
import osmnx as ox
=4326).squeeze().geometry city_limits.to_crs(epsg
# Get the geometry from the city limits
= city_limits.to_crs(epsg=4326).squeeze().geometry
# Get the subway stops within the city limits
= ox.features_from_polygon(city_limits_outline, tags={"station": "subway"})
# Convert to 3857 (meters)
= subway.to_crs(epsg=3857)
=20) subway.head(n
/Users/nhand/mambaforge/envs/musa-550-fall-2023/lib/python3.10/site-packages/shapely/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in intersects
return lib.intersects(a, b, **kwargs)
/Users/nhand/mambaforge/envs/musa-550-fall-2023/lib/python3.10/site-packages/shapely/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in union
return lib.union(a, b, **kwargs)
addr:city | name | network | operator | platforms | public_transport | railway | station | subway | wheelchair | wikidata | wikipedia | geometry | addr:postcode | operator_1 | addr:housenumber | addr:street | railway:position | internet_access | name:en | old_name | addr:state | short_name | network:wikidata | train | operator:wikidata | elevator | tram | ||
element_type | osmid | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
node | 469917297 | Philadelphia | 15th-16th & Locust | PATCO | PATCO | 1 | station | station | subway | yes | yes | Q4551078 | en:15–16th & Locust (PATCO station) | POINT (-8367552.610 4858465.747) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
469917298 | Philadelphia | 9th-10th & Locust | PATCO | PATCO | 1 | station | station | subway | yes | yes | Q4646737 | en:9–10th & Locust (PATCO station) | POINT (-8366424.042 4858281.683) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
471026103 | Philadelphia | 12th-13th & Locust | PATCO | PATCO | 1 | station | station | subway | yes | no | Q4548965 | en:12–13th & Locust (PATCO station) | POINT (-8366949.703 4858366.817) | 19107 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
650938316 | NaN | 63rd Street | SEPTA | SEPTA | NaN | station | station | subway | yes | NaN | NaN | NaN | POINT (-8376424.717 4860524.238) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
650959043 | NaN | 56th Street | SEPTA | SEPTA | NaN | station | station | subway | yes | NaN | Q4640769 | NaN | POINT (-8374883.844 4860274.795) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
650960111 | NaN | 46th Street | NaN | SEPTA | NaN | station | station | subway | yes | yes | NaN | NaN | POINT (-8372784.826 4859935.838) | NaN | SEPTA | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775915931 | Philadelphia | Lombard-South | SEPTA | SEPTA | 1 | station | station | subway | yes | no | Q6669414 | en:Lombard–South station | POINT (-8367373.508 4857829.684) | NaN | NaN | 500 | South Broad Street | mi:7.40 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775915932 | NaN | Ellsworth-Federal | SEPTA | SEPTA | 1 | station | station | subway | yes | no | Q11681426 | en:Ellsworth–Federal station | POINT (-8367565.011 4856679.778) | NaN | NaN | 1200 | South Broad Street | mi:7.95 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775915933 | Philadelphia | Tasker-Morris | SEPTA | SEPTA | 1 | station | station | subway | yes | no | Q7687362 | en:Tasker–Morris station | POINT (-8367718.220 4855760.268) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | mi:8.40 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775915935 | Philadelphia | Snyder | SEPTA | SEPTA | 1 | station | station | subway | yes | NaN | Q7548885 | en:Snyder station | POINT (-8367839.558 4854864.750) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | mi:8.78 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775915939 | Philadelphia | NRG | SEPTA | SEPTA | 2 | station | station | subway | yes | NaN | Q4654508 | en:NRG station | POINT (-8368232.627 4852290.639) | NaN | NaN | 3600 | South Broad Street | NaN | no | NRG | Pattison | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775922743 | Philadelphia | Olney Transportation Center | NaN | SEPTA | 2 | station | station | subway | yes | yes | Q7088461 | en:Olney Transportation Center | POINT (-8365074.616 4871581.655) | NaN | NaN | 5600 | North Broad Street | mi:0.76 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PA | Olney T.C. | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775922744 | Philadelphia | Logan | SEPTA | SEPTA | NaN | station | station | subway | yes | NaN | Q6666919 | en:Logan station | POINT (-8365293.013 4870275.497) | NaN | NaN | 5100 | North Broad Street | mi:1.38 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PA | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775922745 | Philadelphia | Wyoming | SEPTA | SEPTA | 2 | station | station | subway | yes | NaN | Q5859777 | en:Wyoming station (SEPTA) | POINT (-8365420.875 4869513.586) | NaN | NaN | 4700 | North Broad Street | mi:1.75 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PA | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775922746 | NaN | Hunting Park | SEPTA | SEPTA | 2 | station | station | subway | yes | NaN | Q389072 | en:Hunting Park station | POINT (-8365591.617 4868497.068) | NaN | NaN | 4200 | North Broad Street | mi:2.20 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775922747 | Philadelphia | Erie | SEPTA | SEPTA | NaN | station | station | subway | yes | NaN | Q2885954 | en:Erie station (SEPTA) | POINT (-8365794.240 4867285.291) | 19140 | NaN | 3700 | North Broad Street | mi:2.82 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PA | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775922748 | NaN | Allegheny | NaN | septa | NaN | station | station | subway | yes | NaN | NaN | NaN | POINT (-8365979.788 4866173.656) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | mi:3.34 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775922749 | Philadelphia | North Philadelphia | SEPTA | SEPTA | 2 | station | station | subway | yes | yes | Q7056322 | en:North Philadelphia station (Broad Street Line) | POINT (-8366148.637 4865165.705) | NaN | NaN | 2700 | North Broad Street | mi:3.79 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PA | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775922751 | Philadelphia | Cecil B. Moore | SEPTA | SEPTA | NaN | station | station | subway | yes | yes | Q5055946 | en:Cecil B. Moore station | POINT (-8366539.324 4862828.662) | NaN | NaN | 1700 | North Broad Street | mi:4.96 | NaN | NaN | NaN | PA | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
775922752 | Philadelphia | Girard | SEPTA | SEPTA | NaN | station | station | subway | yes | yes | Q5564139 | en:Girard station (Broad Street Line) | POINT (-8366712.793 4861801.427) | NaN | NaN | NaN | North Broad Street | mi:5.47 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
= plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6))
fig, ax
# Plot the subway locations
=ax, markersize=10, color='crimson')
# City limits, too
=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth=4)
The stops on the Market-Frankford and Broad St. subway lines!
Now, get the distances to the nearest subway stop
We’ll use k=1 to get the distance to the nearest stop.
# STEP 1: x/y coordinates of subway stops (in EPGS=3857)
= get_xy_from_geometry(subway.to_crs(epsg=3857))
# STEP 2: Initialize the algorithm
= NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1)
# STEP 3: Fit the algorithm on the "neighbors" dataset
# STEP 4: Get distances for sale to neighbors
= nbrs.kneighbors(salesXY)
subwayDists, subwayIndices
# STEP 5: add back to the original dataset
"logDistSubway"] = np.log10(subwayDists.mean(axis=1)) sales[
Let’s plot a hex map again!
= plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10), facecolor=plt.get_cmap('viridis')(0))
fig, ax
# Plot the log of the subway distance
= salesXY[:,0]
x = salesXY[:,1]
y =sales['logDistSubway'].values, gridsize=60)
ax.hexbin(x, y, C
# Plot the city limits
=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='white', linewidth=4)
ax.set_axis_off()"equal") ax.set_aspect(
Looks like it worked!
What about correlations?
Let’s have a look at the correlations of numerical columns:
import seaborn as sns
= [
cols "total_livable_area",
"logDistGraffiti", # NEW
"logDistSubway", # NEW
]='coolwarm', annot=True, vmin=-1, vmax=1); sns.heatmap(sales[cols].corr(), cmap
Now, let’s re-run our model…did it help?
# Numerical columns
= [
num_cols "total_livable_area",
"logDistGraffiti", # NEW
"logDistSubway" # NEW
# Categorical columns
= ["exterior_condition", "zip_code"] cat_cols
# Set up the column transformer with two transformers
= ColumnTransformer(
transformer =[
transformers"num", StandardScaler(), num_cols),
("cat", OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown="ignore"), cat_cols),
] )
# Initialize the pipeline
# NOTE: only use 20 estimators here so it will run in a reasonable time
= make_pipeline(
pipe =20, random_state=42)
transformer, RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators )
# Split the data 70/30
= train_test_split(sales, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
train_set, test_set
# the target labels
= np.log(train_set["sale_price"])
y_train = np.log(test_set["sale_price"]) y_test
# Fit the training set
# REMINDER: use the training dataframe objects here rather than numpy array
;, y_train)
# What's the test score?
# REMINDER: use the test dataframe rather than numpy array
pipe.score(test_set, y_test)
A small improvement!
R-squared of ~0.53 improved to R-squared of ~0.59
How about the top 30 feature importances now?
def plot_feature_importances(pipeline, num_cols, transformer, top=20, **kwargs):
Utility function to plot the feature importances from the input
random forest regressor.
pipeline :
the pipeline object
num_cols :
list of the numerical columns
transformer :
the transformer preprocessing step
top : optional
the number of importances to plot
**kwargs : optional
extra keywords passed to the hvplot function
# The one-hot step
= transformer.named_transformers_["cat"]
# One column for each category type!
= ohe.get_feature_names_out()
# Full list of columns is numerical + one-hot
= num_cols + list(ohe_cols)
# The regressor
= pipeline["randomforestregressor"]
# Create the dataframe with importances
= pd.DataFrame(
importance "Feature": features, "Importance": regressor.feature_importances_}
# Sort importance in descending order and get the top
= importance.sort_values("Importance", ascending=False).iloc[:top]
# Plot
return importance.hvplot.barh(
="Feature", y="Importance", flip_yaxis=True, **kwargs
x )
=30, height=500) plot_feature_importances(pipe, num_cols, transformer, top
Both new spatial features are in the top 5 in terms of importance!
Exercise: How about other spatial features?
- I’ve listed out several other types of potential sources of new distance-based features from OpenDataPhilly
- Choose a few and add new features
- Re-fit the model and evalute the performance on the test set and feature importances
Modify the get_xy_from_geometry()
function to use the “centroid” of the geometry column.
Note: you can take the centroid of a Point() or Polygon() object. For a Point(), you just get the x/y coordinates back.
def get_xy_from_geometry(df):
Return a numpy array with two columns, where the
first holds the `x` geometry coordinate and the second
column holds the `y` geometry coordinate
# NEW: use the centroid.x and centroid.y to support Polygon() and Point() geometries
= df.geometry.centroid.x
x = df.geometry.centroid.y
return np.column_stack((x, y)) # stack as columns
1. Universities
New feature: Distance to the nearest university/college
- Source: OpenDataPhilly
# Get the data
= ""
url = gpd.read_file(url)
# Get the X/Y
= get_xy_from_geometry(univs.to_crs(epsg=3857))
# Run the k nearest algorithm
= NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1)
nbrs nbrs.kneighbors(salesXY)
univDists, _
# Add the new feature
'logDistUniv'] = np.log10(univDists.mean(axis=1)) sales[
= plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10), facecolor=plt.get_cmap('viridis')(0))
fig, ax
= salesXY[:,0]
x = salesXY[:,1]
y =np.log10(univDists.mean(axis=1)), gridsize=60)
ax.hexbin(x, y, C
# Plot the city limits
=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='white', linewidth=4)
ax.set_aspect("Distance to Nearest University/College", fontsize=16, color='white'); ax.set_title(
2. Parks
New feature: Distance to the nearest park centroid
- Source: OpenDataPhilly
Notes - The park geometries are polygons, so you’ll need to get the x
and y
coordinates of the park centroids and calculate the distance to these centroids. - You can use the geometry.centroid.x
and geometry.centroid.y
values to access these coordinates.
# Get the data
= ""
url = gpd.read_file(url)
# Get the X/Y
= get_xy_from_geometry(parks.to_crs(epsg=3857))
# Run the k nearest algorithm
= NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1)
nbrs nbrs.kneighbors(salesXY)
parksDists, _
# Add the new feature
"logDistParks"] = np.log10(parksDists.mean(axis=1)) sales[
= plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor=plt.get_cmap("viridis")(0))
fig, ax
= salesXY[:, 0]
x = salesXY[:, 1]
y =np.log10(parksDists.mean(axis=1)), gridsize=60)
ax.hexbin(x, y, C
# Plot the city limits
=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="white", linewidth=4)
ax.set_aspect("Distance to Nearest Park", fontsize=16, color="white"); ax.set_title(
3. City Hall
New feature: Distance to City Hall.
- Source: OpenDataPhilly
- To identify City Hall, you’ll need to pull data where “NAME=‘City Hall’” and “FEAT_TYPE=‘Municipal Building’”
- As with the parks, the geometry will be a polygon, so you should calculate the distance to the centroid of the City Hall polygon
# Get the data
= ""
url = gpd.read_file(url)
# Trim to City Hall
= landmarks.query("NAME == 'City Hall' and FEAT_TYPE == 'Municipal Building'") cityHall
# Get the X/Y
= get_xy_from_geometry(cityHall.to_crs(epsg=3857))
# Run the k nearest algorithm
= NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1)
nbrs nbrs.kneighbors(salesXY)
cityHallDist, _
# Add the new feature
"logDistCityHall"] = np.log10(cityHallDist.mean(axis=1)) sales[
= plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor=plt.get_cmap("viridis")(0))
fig, ax
= salesXY[:, 0]
x = salesXY[:, 1]
y =np.log10(cityHallDist.mean(axis=1)), gridsize=60)
ax.hexbin(x, y, C
# Plot the city limits
=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="white", linewidth=4)
ax.set_aspect("Distance to City Hall", fontsize=16, color="white"); ax.set_title(
4. Residential Construction Permits
New feature: Distance to the 5 nearest residential construction permits from 2022
- Source: OpenDataPhilly
- CARTO table name: “permits”
- You can pull new construction permits only by selecting where
equals ‘RESIDENTRIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT’ - You can select permits from only 2022 using the
# Table name
= "permits"
# Where clause
= "permitissuedate >= '2022-01-01' AND permitissuedate < '2023-01-01'"
where = where + " AND permitdescription='RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT'"
# Query
= get_carto_data(table_name, where=where)
# Remove missing
= ~permits.geometry.is_empty & permits.geometry.notna()
not_missing = permits.loc[not_missing]
# Get the X/Y
= get_xy_from_geometry(permits.to_crs(epsg=3857))
# Run the k nearest algorithm
= NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=5)
nbrs nbrs.kneighbors(salesXY)
permitsDist, _
# Add the new feature
"logDistPermits"] = np.log10(permitsDist.mean(axis=1)) sales[
/var/folders/49/ntrr94q12xd4rq8hqdnx96gm0000gn/T/ipykernel_96911/ UserWarning: GeoSeries.notna() previously returned False for both missing (None) and empty geometries. Now, it only returns False for missing values. Since the calling GeoSeries contains empty geometries, the result has changed compared to previous versions of GeoPandas.
Given a GeoSeries 's', you can use '~s.is_empty & s.notna()' to get back the old behaviour.
To further ignore this warning, you can do:
import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'GeoSeries.notna', UserWarning)
not_missing = ~permits.geometry.is_empty & permits.geometry.notna()
= plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor=plt.get_cmap("viridis")(0))
fig, ax
= salesXY[:, 0]
x = salesXY[:, 1]
y =np.log10(permitsDist.mean(axis=1)), gridsize=60)
ax.hexbin(x, y, C
# Plot the city limits
=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="white", linewidth=4)
ax.set_aspect("Distance to 5 Closest Building Permits", fontsize=16, color="white"); ax.set_title(
5. Aggravated Assaults
New feature: Distance to the 5 nearest aggravated assaults in 2022
- Source: OpenDataPhilly
- CARTO table name: “incidents_part1_part2”
- You can pull aggravated assaults only by selecting where
equals ‘Aggravated Assault No Firearm’ or ‘Aggravated Assault Firearm’ - You can select crimes from only 2022 using the
# Table name
= "incidents_part1_part2"
# Where selection
= "dispatch_date >= '2022-01-01' AND dispatch_date < '2023-01-01'"
where = where + " AND Text_General_Code IN ('Aggravated Assault No Firearm', 'Aggravated Assault Firearm')"
# Query
= get_carto_data(table_name, where=where)
# Remove missing
= ~assaults.geometry.is_empty & assaults.geometry.notna()
not_missing = assaults.loc[not_missing]
# Get the X/Y
= get_xy_from_geometry(assaults.to_crs(epsg=3857))
# Run the k nearest algorithm
= NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=5)
nbrs nbrs.kneighbors(salesXY)
assaultDists, _
# Add the new feature
'logDistAssaults'] = np.log10(assaultDists.mean(axis=1)) sales[
= plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor=plt.get_cmap("viridis")(0))
fig, ax
= salesXY[:, 0]
x = salesXY[:, 1]
y =np.log10(assaultDists.mean(axis=1)), gridsize=60)
ax.hexbin(x, y, C
# Plot the city limits
=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="white", linewidth=4)
ax.set_aspect("Distance to 5 Closest Assaults", fontsize=16, color="white"); ax.set_title(
6. Abandonded Vehicle 311 Calls
New feature: Distance to the 5 nearest abandoned vehicle 311 calls in 2022
- Source: OpenDataPhilly
- CARTO table name: “public_cases_fc”
- You can pull abandonded vehicle calls only by selecting where
equals ‘Abandoned Vehicle’ - You can select crimes from only 2022 using the
# Table name
= "public_cases_fc"
# Where selection
= "requested_datetime >= '2022-01-01' AND requested_datetime < '2023-01-01'"
where = "service_name = 'Abandoned Vehicle'"
# Query
= get_carto_data(table_name, where=where)
# Remove missing
= ~cars.geometry.is_empty & cars.geometry.notna()
not_missing = cars.loc[not_missing]
# Get the X/Y
= get_xy_from_geometry(cars.to_crs(epsg=3857))
# Run the k nearest algorithm
= NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=5)
nbrs nbrs.kneighbors(salesXY)
carDists, _
# Handle any sales that have 0 distances
== 0] = 1e-5 # a small, arbitrary value
# Add the new feature
"logDistCars"] = np.log10(carDists.mean(axis=1)) sales[
= plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), facecolor=plt.get_cmap("viridis")(0))
fig, ax
= salesXY[:, 0]
x = salesXY[:, 1]
y =np.log10(carDists.mean(axis=1)), gridsize=60)
ax.hexbin(x, y, C
# Plot the city limits
=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="white", linewidth=4)
ax.set_title("Distance to 5 Closest Abandoned Vehicle 311 Calls", fontsize=16, color="white"
; )